
Gutui Bereczki

The characteristics of the tree:

  • Hungarian origin variety, widespread in all favorable areas.
  • The tree is vigorous, rustic and productive, with pyramidal crown.

The characteristics of the fruit:

  • The fruit is large (over 400 g), wide piriform and features characteristic yellowish - limy, glossy surface protrusions.
  • The pulp is yellowish, crisp, average juicy, sour-sweet, slightly astringent and strong flavored.

Rootstock: Quince B26

Harvest season: end of October to December - January.

Planting: february - april and october - december


Ciumbrud Plant

Aiud, Str. Garii, Nr. 20, Jud. Alba
C.R.N: J01/330/2005
U.I.C: R017364510
Administrator: Bakk Emeric Levente
Phone: +40 258 865 188
Phone/Fax: +40 258 866 111
Mobil: +40 722 672 725
Mobil: +40 735 191 401
E-mail: ciumbrudplant@gmail.com
Web: www.ciumbrudplant.ro
Online Shop: www.4garden.ro